Federation Walks
The FedWalks 2025 event will be held in the Grampians on the weekend of 11-12 October 2025, based at Halls Gap and hosted by the Grampians and Boroondara Bushwalking Clubs. Planning is well underway and information on this site will be updated progressively.
The Grampians are a series of five spectacular sandstone ridges running north to south with steep and craggy slopes on the eastern side and gentler slopes to the west. They are the result of earth movements lifting and tilting the hard sandstones to create an impressive landscape of peaks and valleys. There are lookouts with stunning panoramic views as well as a number of impressive waterfalls.
The 2025 event will be held in the Grampians on the weekend of 11-12 October 2025.
The Grampians is a magical place that is enjoyed by many bushwalkers.
The base for the event will be Halls Gap. There will be no accommodation booked by the organising committee for Fed Walks 2025, participants must organise their own.
Although large parts of the Grampians have been devastated by bushfires, hopefully there will be sufficient undamaged bush remaining to conduct a weekend of walking. Therefore, we will continue planning for the event. The people of Halls Gap will most certainly welcome our patronage.